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Yokohama Creative COOP: Creative City Yokohama 20th Commemoration
Art Fair


Yokohama Creative COOP: Creative City Yokohama 20th Commemoration

創造都市横浜20周年記念 横浜クリエイティブCOOP

Yokohama Creative COOP: Creative City Yokohama 20th Commemoration

This exhibition showcases the “now” of creators who have congregated in Yokohama since the launch of the Creative City Yokohama project 20 years ago. A pop-up store will be available for a limited time to purchase goods and small works by artists and creators associated with Yokohama. A variety of events will also be held, concurring with the exhibition.

Dates March 15 – June 9, 2024

Venue BankART KAIKO Shop Area

Organizer Creative Network (BankART1929, Koganecho Area Management Center, and Zou-no-hana Terrace) and the Organizing Committee for Yokohama Triennale

創造都市横浜20周年記念 横浜クリエイティブCOOP



会期 3.15(金)−6.9(日)

会場 BankART KAIKOショップエリア

主催 クリエイティブネットワーク(BankART1929、黄金町エリアマネジメントセンター、象の鼻テラス)、横浜トリエンナーレ組織委員会

Yokohama Creative COOP: Creative City Yokohama 20th Commemoration
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