吉野祥太郎(1979 年生まれ)は「土地の記憶」をテーマに、国内外の美術館、ギャラリー、オルタナティブスペース、さらには野外空間で作品を発表し続けています。彼の代表作である「地面を持ち上げる作品」は、地面を単なる物理的な存在ではなく、記憶や歴史の堆積として捉え、それを優しく汲み上げて表出させることで、場所と人間との関係性を再考させる力を持っています。
Shotaro Yoshino, born in 1979, is an artist who has been presenting works in museums, galleries, alternative spaces, and outdoor environments both domestically and internationally, focusing on the theme of "memory of the land." His representative work, which involves "lifting the ground," perceives the earth not merely as a physical entity but as a repository of memory and history. By gently elevating and expressing these layers, his work encourages a reevaluation of the relationship between place and people.
This exhibition draws inspiration from ancient creation myths to explore the relationship between humans and the world in contemporary society. Creation myths are narratives about the origins of the world, humanity, and culture. Yoshino reinterprets these myths from a modern perspective, addressing themes such as "the birth of the first humans," "the prosperity of descendants," and "boundaries defined by race, gender, and class," thereby probing fundamental questions about our existence.
Through a dialogue between organic and geometric forms, the exhibition encourages viewers to construct their own new creation myths. This act merges memories from artificial objects with sensations and memories derived from natural objects, revealing messages embedded within consumer society and material culture. Experience works that strongly appeal to viewers' subconscious and emotions through abstract forms and color-based spatial expressions.
吉野祥太郎個展「創造神話 - 神 話 - 」
Shotaro Yoshino solo Exhibition "Origin Belief - Mithology-"
吉野祥太郎(1979 年生まれ)は「土地の記憶」をテーマに、国内外の美術館、ギャラリー、オルタナティブスペース、さらには野外空間で作品を発表し続けています。彼の代表作である「地面を持ち上げる作品」は、地面を単なる物理的な存在ではなく、記憶や歴史の堆積として捉え、それを優しく汲み上げて表出させることで、場所と人間との関係性を再考させる力を持っています。
Shotaro Yoshino, born in 1979, is an artist who has been presenting works in museums, galleries, alternative spaces, and outdoor environments both domestically and internationally, focusing on the theme of "memory of the land." His representative work, which involves "lifting the ground," perceives the earth not merely as a physical entity but as a repository of memory and history. By gently elevating and expressing these layers, his work encourages a reevaluation of the relationship between place and people.
This exhibition draws inspiration from ancient creation myths to explore the relationship between humans and the world in contemporary society. Creation myths are narratives about the origins of the world, humanity, and culture. Yoshino reinterprets these myths from a modern perspective, addressing themes such as "the birth of the first humans," "the prosperity of descendants," and "boundaries defined by race, gender, and class," thereby probing fundamental questions about our existence.
Through a dialogue between organic and geometric forms, the exhibition encourages viewers to construct their own new creation myths. This act merges memories from artificial objects with sensations and memories derived from natural objects, revealing messages embedded within consumer society and material culture. Experience works that strongly appeal to viewers' subconscious and emotions through abstract forms and color-based spatial expressions.
吉野祥太郎個展「創造神話 - 神 話 - 」
Shotaro Yoshino solo Exhibition "Origin Belief - Mithology-"