Open Thu~Sun 13:00~19:00
桂剥きによって現れるゆるやかな木目の繰り返しの中に 、林立する湾岸マンションや建て売りニュータウンなど現代の都市像を重ねる。
Tsuzuki has consistently created works on the theme of the pre-existing and artificial nature in the city. He sees urban landscape-like patterns in the structure of plywood, an industrial product used in the actual construction of cities. Some of these sceneries seem to repeat themselves while others look alike yet diverge. The fragments of nature that appear in the grain of the plywood are the result of a streamlined manufacturing process. For us, this may be nature in a convenient way.
In this exhibition, two types of plywood are used to reflect on the urban landscape.
Structural Plywood (Larch)
Ordinary plywood made by peeling logs with a rottary cutter and them laminating the slabs together.
The rotation result in a grain repetition that appears like examples of modern urbanistic patterns, such as rows of condominium plots or the development of brand new urban areas.
Printed Plywood
Plywood finished with an artificial decorative sheet that reproduces the natural wood grain. It is normally used for ceilings, flooring, and other interior finishes. These patterns are designed so the grain repeats itself seamlessly all along the the board. It can be seen as a metaphore of the copy-paste architecture that we may find along major roads, such as convenience store or chain stores.
都築 崇広「合板都市」
Open Thu~Sun 13:00~19:00
1988年生まれの都築は、一貫して都市が持つ既存性や人工性をテーマに作品を制作している。彼は都市を形作る上で必要な工業製品である合板の構造に都市の風景を重 ねて見る。
Tsuzuki has consistently created works on the theme of the pre-existing and artificial nature in the city. He sees urban landscape-like patterns in the structure of plywood, an industrial product used in the actual construction of cities. Some of these sceneries seem to repeat themselves while others look alike yet diverge. The fragments of nature that appear in the grain of the plywood are the result of a streamlined manufacturing process. For us, this may be nature in a convenient way.
In this exhibition, two types of plywood are used to reflect on the urban landscape.
Structural Plywood (Larch)
Ordinary plywood made by peeling logs with a rottary cutter and them laminating the slabs together.
The rotation result in a grain repetition that appears like examples of modern urbanistic patterns, such as rows of condominium plots or the development of brand new urban areas.
Printed Plywood
Plywood finished with an artificial decorative sheet that reproduces the natural wood grain. It is normally used for ceilings, flooring, and other interior finishes. These patterns are designed so the grain repeats itself seamlessly all along the the board. It can be seen as a metaphore of the copy-paste architecture that we may find along major roads, such as convenience store or chain stores.