Open Thu~Sun 13:00~19:00
2016年武蔵野美術大学日本画学科卒業 、2018年同大学院日本画コース 終了。
大寺は、線描や隈取りといった日本画の伝統的な技法で女性像を描いています。丹念に幾度も墨を重ねることによりモノクロームの色相はより豊かに、柔らかく、肌の質感や湿度を感じさせます。その女性像はただ 表面的な美しさを追ったものではなく、時に形が歪められ、奇妙に蠢き、 私たちの目にまるで畏怖の対象のようにも映ります。
Born in 1993.Bachelor degree from Musashino Art University, Nihonga(Japanese-style painting) department, 2016.
Master degree from Musashino Art University, Nihonga (Japanese-style painting) department, 2018.
Otera uses the Japanese traditional painting techniques as the linear drawing or the Kumadori(theater facial painting) to draw the feminine figure. With diligence she applies the monochrome ink over and over in rich and soft tonalities, so we can feel the skin texture, its temperature. This is not just for the sake of a superficial beauty, the figure may be distorted, strangely twisted, resulting in a striking image to our eyes.
“The ideal feminine figure conceived nowadays is a self-deception. My intention is to expose the pure beauty of the human body from the inside to the outside.”
We can feel her strong emotions creating her work, the search for the ideal bound to our own nature, the liberation from our way of life.
The artworks presented in this exhibition express the subject of facing the disagreement between the flesh and the spirit by confronting our own body and trying to coexist with it.
For us, the human body that we are born with is unavoidable, we have to hold to it and grow old. Unfortunately, even if we lament our ugliness, unlike the butterfly from the chrysalis, we cannot change it but, if we manage to be accepted and be loved by someone, it might transform our perception.
Until now, Otera has been using her own body as the motive of her paintings but, in this occasion, she is using a different model. With strong emotional attachment towards the model and her own circumstances as a guide, Otera’s artwork let us perceive the transformation when confronting our own nature.
With firm resolution and with trembling fragility we present the artwork of Misa Otera in “Metamorphosis”, please enjoy.
We are certainly going to die as our uncompleted-selves
The clothes we wear, the shoes, the makeup; if we remove all, the longed frail human that I am appears
You, that won’t become a chrysalis, with your soft and thin skin, with all its marks, you will surely also die
However, all these vicissitudes are pure above all. Beautiful
大寺 史紗「羽化」
MISA OTERA “Metamorphosis”
Open Thu~Sun 13:00~19:00
2016年武蔵野美術大学日本画学科卒業 、2018年同大学院日本画コース 終了。
大寺は、線描や隈取りといった日本画の伝統的な技法で女性像を描いています。丹念に幾度も墨を重ねることによりモノクロームの色相はより豊かに、柔らかく、肌の質感や湿度を感じさせます。その女性像はただ 表面的な美しさを追ったものではなく、時に形が歪められ、奇妙に蠢き、 私たちの目にまるで畏怖の対象のようにも映ります。
Born in 1993.Bachelor degree from Musashino Art University, Nihonga(Japanese-style painting) department, 2016.
Master degree from Musashino Art University, Nihonga (Japanese-style painting) department, 2018.
Otera uses the Japanese traditional painting techniques as the linear drawing or the Kumadori(theater facial painting) to draw the feminine figure. With diligence she applies the monochrome ink over and over in rich and soft tonalities, so we can feel the skin texture, its temperature. This is not just for the sake of a superficial beauty, the figure may be distorted, strangely twisted, resulting in a striking image to our eyes.
“The ideal feminine figure conceived nowadays is a self-deception. My intention is to expose the pure beauty of the human body from the inside to the outside.”
We can feel her strong emotions creating her work, the search for the ideal bound to our own nature, the liberation from our way of life.
The artworks presented in this exhibition express the subject of facing the disagreement between the flesh and the spirit by confronting our own body and trying to coexist with it.
For us, the human body that we are born with is unavoidable, we have to hold to it and grow old. Unfortunately, even if we lament our ugliness, unlike the butterfly from the chrysalis, we cannot change it but, if we manage to be accepted and be loved by someone, it might transform our perception.
Until now, Otera has been using her own body as the motive of her paintings but, in this occasion, she is using a different model. With strong emotional attachment towards the model and her own circumstances as a guide, Otera’s artwork let us perceive the transformation when confronting our own nature.
With firm resolution and with trembling fragility we present the artwork of Misa Otera in “Metamorphosis”, please enjoy.
We are certainly going to die as our uncompleted-selves
The clothes we wear, the shoes, the makeup; if we remove all, the longed frail human that I am appears
You, that won’t become a chrysalis, with your soft and thin skin, with all its marks, you will surely also die
However, all these vicissitudes are pure above all. Beautiful