Open Thu~Sun 13:00~19:00
2011年 秋田公立美術工芸短期大学産業デザイン学科プロダクトデザイン分野 卒業
2013年 富山ガラス造形研究所造形科 卒業
2013年 富山ガラス工房 所属(~2016)
2019年 金沢卯辰山工芸工房ガラス工房 入所
2022年 金澤卯辰山工芸工房ガラス工房 修了
廣瀬絵美は10年間溶けた水飴状のガラスを引き延ばすことにより作品の造形を生み出してきました。このプロセスにおいて出来る線は真っ直ぐであったり、重力と自重によって不思議な形をしていたり、その時々によって異なります。廣瀬はまた作業途中でうまく巻き取れなかった時に、床にとろとろと落ちてしまったガラスにもその魅力を感じています。〝 コントロールできない曖昧な美しさ″をキーワードに、一筋の見せる表情に魅了され、今もその魅力について考え、向き合いながら制作しています。
Emi Hirose was born in 1990 in Toyama Prefecture.
2011 Graduated from Akita Municipal Junior College Of Arts and Crafts, Department of Creative Manufacturing Design
2013 Graduated from Toyama Institute of Glass Art, Glass certification studies program
2013 Joined Toyama Glass Studio (-2016)
2019 Joined Kanazawa Utatsuyama Kogei Kobo
2022 Completed Kanazawa Utatsuyama Kogei Kobo
Emi Hirose has been creating the shapes of her works by stretching molten glass for ten years. The lines formed during this process are sometimes straight, sometimes mysteriously shaped by gravity and their own weight, and sometimes depending on the time of process. Hirose is also fascinated by the glass that falls to the floor when it is not curled properly during the process. With the keyword "uncontrollable and ambiguous beauty", she is fascinated by the expression of a single line of glass, and continues to think about and face this fascination as she creates her work.
This exhibition is a comprehensive overview of her work to the present day.
Straight lines, curves and the coiled glass she has been working on in recent years will be on display.
"The shapes of line born from a single line, of a single line, and beyond."
We hope you enjoy the exhibition.
廣瀬 絵美 「ひと筋の」
EMI HIROSE “single line”
Open Thu~Sun 13:00~19:00
2011年 秋田公立美術工芸短期大学産業デザイン学科プロダクトデザイン分野 卒業
2013年 富山ガラス造形研究所造形科 卒業
2013年 富山ガラス工房 所属(~2016)
2019年 金沢卯辰山工芸工房ガラス工房 入所
2022年 金澤卯辰山工芸工房ガラス工房 修了
Emi Hirose was born in 1990 in Toyama Prefecture.
2011 Graduated from Akita Municipal Junior College Of Arts and Crafts, Department of Creative Manufacturing Design
2013 Graduated from Toyama Institute of Glass Art, Glass certification studies program
2013 Joined Toyama Glass Studio (-2016)
2019 Joined Kanazawa Utatsuyama Kogei Kobo
2022 Completed Kanazawa Utatsuyama Kogei Kobo
Emi Hirose has been creating the shapes of her works by stretching molten glass for ten years. The lines formed during this process are sometimes straight, sometimes mysteriously shaped by gravity and their own weight, and sometimes depending on the time of process. Hirose is also fascinated by the glass that falls to the floor when it is not curled properly during the process. With the keyword "uncontrollable and ambiguous beauty", she is fascinated by the expression of a single line of glass, and continues to think about and face this fascination as she creates her work.
This exhibition is a comprehensive overview of her work to the present day.
Straight lines, curves and the coiled glass she has been working on in recent years will be on display.
"The shapes of line born from a single line, of a single line, and beyond."
We hope you enjoy the exhibition.